
Report In Emotional Intelligence For Leaders

BCL report provides the results of emotional intelligence (EQ) in away that is clear and boosts the leadership development. You will find in the report that the dimensions are: Future foresight, positive thinking, accepting change, effectiveness, stress management, decision-making and the quality of relationships. We find leadership development clients are responding properly with BEI leadership report and they find it offers them a great deal of highly important information in order to help them improve their leadership impact and their ability to inspire others. It offers them information that is useful a lot to recruiters through the recruiting process.

This report measures the leader’s emotional intelligence skills and relate them with the important results accomplished by managers. As the leader’s emotional intelligence skills will be assessed, which lead their performance in regard to their key performance results (future foresight, positive thinking, accepting change, effectiveness, stress management, decision-making and the quality of relationships). This can be taken to develop, coach or provide consultation to the leader.

Get Access To The Emotional Intelligence Assessment Click Here

The Fees: 210$ (with debriefing), 75$ (without debriefing)

Report In Emotional Intelligence For Leaders


Besides, BCA® report (BCCL) in emotional intelligence for personal development can be done - comparison: This can be done when the applicant that previously requested leader assessment BCL asks for a re-assessment after a period of time in order to measure their new level in emotional intelligence, and get a new report with all new results with comparing them to their previous assessment’s results. This can be taken in order to measure the new change.


The total outcome of the emotional intelligence.

Strategies required to the development of the working group.

The four scales of intelligence areas.

The 13 skills or sub-scales.

The seven success factors.

Leader’s emotional signature.

Leader’s status in each skill and how does it influence them, and what they need to develop or invest it.


Action plan.

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